Apart from the standard equipment that has been used in physical therapy and medicine, such as Diadynamic, TENS, interferrential and exponential currents, magnets, low- and high-power lasers, as well as the 1 MHz and 3 MHz ultrasound, we have been producing cosmetics equipment for the last nine years as well. This equipment includes muscle stimulators, Jonos, D’Arsonval, Miolift, Epilator, Radiowave lifting, Radio-frequency, Mesotherapy w/out needles, Rejuvenation of the facial and body skin, PICO NANO MICRO current therapy, SKIN SCRUBBER ultrasound peeling, etc.
We are also, the first and only in SERBIA, in 2006 produced a three pol radiofrequency.
Today we can introduce a new device, QUADROPOLAR RF. It is the most advanced device in the fild of RF devices, for use in medical and professional cosmetic.
We provide free training and technical support for all the purchased equipment! The confidence we have in our products is reflected in our extended, unique 48-month warranty.
PLUTON electronic expert team consists of three engineers, a M.Sc., several MDs, specializing in various areas, as well as a number of certified technicians.
The owner holds a B.Sc. degree in electronics, with a long experience in the medical instruments field.